Code sign your application with the harden runtime option.I have not tested with the built-in Xojo functions or other libraries. I used my own NSAppleScript object from the Ohanaware App Kit to execute the Apple Script.I recently added Apple Script support to an alpha of App Wrapper 4 as it’s required to access certain features in DropDMG. To start creating your own macros and hotkeys right away, please read the Quick-start Tutorial.Apple Script is on my list of articles to write for my blog, because of the steps required to use it modern versions of the macOS.

By contrast, macros used less often can each be kept in a separate script accessible by means of a shortcut in the Start Menu or on the desktop. Hotkey macros like the above are especially useful for tasks you perform several times per day. Return This line serves to finish the hotkey.

Send We have recently discovered a minor defect. Send ^n Create new/blank e-mail via Control+N. WinActivate Activate the window found by the above command. Return Outlook isn't open to the right section, so do nothing. If not WinExist("Inbox - Microsoft Outlook") For example, the following hotkey would create an empty e-mail message and prepare it for a certain type recipient, allowing you to personalize it prior to sending: ^!s:: Control+Alt+S hotkey. One of the most convenient ways to play back a macro is to assign it to a hotkey or hotstring. Such windows respond to each keystroke and mouse click as though you had performed it manually, which allows repetitive tasks to be automated with high speed and reliability. The most common activity of a macro is to send simulated keystrokes and mouse clicks to one or more windows. Creating a Keyboard Macro or Mouse Macro | AutoHotkey Creating a Keyboard Macro or Mouse MacroĪ macro is a series of scripted actions that is "played" upon demand.