It is accessed by one of several wood & rope bridges that lead from nearby cliffs. On a table in Flotsam at Buccaneer Bay.The Black Galleon camp is the capital settlement for the Black Hand faction and is so named because the settlement, built atop a natural outcrop, resembles a massive ship.In a chest, within a low ceilinged cave under the Black Galleon.In front of the obelisk at Mounds of the Dead.On a bench next to a bonfire in the South-East part of The Den.

Best meat harvesting tool Star Metal Cleaver (with Advanced Tool Upgrade Kit).Living Mountains, Exploding Imp and some Demons. Demon Blood can by acquired by killing e.g.You can get Ichor by cooking Unappetizing Fish, Unappetizing Shellfish or pressing Putrid Meat or Glands.You can get regular Blood and/or Bones by putting Human Flesh and/or animal heads in the Fluid Press.You can get dried parts (like Dried Berries) with the Dryer fueled by Bark.(Or comes from drops off of Pirates either in Buccaneer's Bay or in The Black Galleon, also includes Rare Spice) You can create Spice using almost any fibers, herbs or plants in the Grinder, 10/1 ratio.You can create Salt using Stones or Crystals in the Grinder, 10/1 and 2/1 output ratio.If the food is spicy, it usually warms you up for cold temperatures.If you're looking for Ice Tea to keep you cooler in the volcano, you need a T3-T4 Cook.